400km/h급 Test-Bed 교량 구간 단독주 기초 강도검토를 위한 최대 모멘트 계산
Increasing tensions of contact wire and messenger wire are essential to construct a test-bed for catenary system in the 400km/h speed on Honam high-speed railway. Because heavy load is applied to a mast due to the increased the tensions of both wires it is required to investigate the strength of the foundation. Therefore, in this study the maximum moment of an electric pole under the worst condition was calculated to investigate the strength of the pole foundation on the bridges. The maximum moment database table used in the construction of Kyungbu high-speed railway was referenced to derive the worst conditions and to review the composition of catenary system in the test-bed section. From the results of this study regarding assumptions and calculation process it will be possible to estimate the optimized strength of the pole foundations on the bridges which will be constructed in the future.