Observer-Based Containment Control for a Class of Nonlinear Multiagent Systems With Uncertainties

An observer-based containment control issue is addressed for a class of uncertain nonlinear multiagent systems with a directed topology via the active disturbance rejection control and backstepping techniques. A kind of nonlinear extended state observers (ESOs) based on fractional power functions is developed, and the estimations of extended states are utilized to compensate uncertain dynamics in real time. Compared with linear ESOs, the advantages of the ESOs in this paper lie in peaking reduction and better tolerance of measurement noise for the closed-loop system. Moreover, tracking differentiators are employed to avoid the explosion of complexity caused by repeated differentiations of nonlinear functions. It is proven that the containment errors of the followers converge to small neighborhoods of the origin and they are adjustable by suitable choice of parameters. Finally, two simulation examples, both practical and numerical ones, are shown to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed control approach.

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