Compensatory Sprouting and Impulse Rerouting after Unilateral Pyramidal Tract Lesion in Neonatal Rats

After lesions of the developing mammalian CNS, structural plasticity and functional recovery are much more pronounced than in the mature CNS. We investigated the anatomical reorganization of the corticofugal projections rostral to a unilateral lesion of the corticospinal tract at the level of the medullary pyramid (pyramidotomy) and the contribution of this reorganization and other descending systems to functional recovery. Two-day-old (P2) and adult rats underwent a unilateral pyramidotomy. Three months later the corticofugal projections to the red nucleus and the pons were analyzed; a relatively large number of corticorubral and corticopontine fibers from the lesioned side had crossed the midline and established an additional contralateral innervation of the red nucleus and the pons. Such anatomical changes were not seen after adult lesions. Intracortical microstimulation of the primary motor cortex with EMG recordings of the elbow flexor muscles were used to investigate possible new functional connections from the motor cortex of the pyramidotomy side to the periphery. In rats lesioned as adults, stimulation of the motor cortex ipsilateral to the pyramidotomy never elicited EMG activity. In contrast, in P2 lesioned rats bilateral forelimb EMGs were found. EMG latencies were comparable for the ipsilateral and contralateral responses but were significantly longer than in unlesioned animals. Transient inactivation of both red nuclei with the GABA receptor agonist muscimol led to a complete loss of these bilateral movements. Movements and EMGs reappeared after wash-out of the drug. These results suggest an important role of the red nucleus in the reconnection of the cortex to the periphery after pyramidotomy.

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