Embracing Mathematics: On Becoming a Teacher and Changing with Mathematics

Preface: How can I (better) embrace mathematics? David Scott Allen Prologue Peter Appelbaum Response to Prologue: Be a student of mathematics learners Chapter 1: Planning and assessment Response to Chapter 1: Engage yourself in meaningful observation Action Research 1 Isaiah Manzella, Numbers on Trial MathWorlds 1: Reverse answer to questions Chapter 2: A psychoanalytic perspective Response to Chapter 2: Ask yourself to change Action Research 2 Karen Cipriano, Flexible interview project MathWorlds 2: Multiple answers. Chapter 3: You are a mathematician Response to Chapter 3: Explore the vastness of mathematics Action Research 3 Karen Cipriano, Mathematics journals MathWorlds 3: Reading and writing mathematics Chapter 4: Critical thinkers thinking critically Response to Chapter 4: It is critical to think Action Research 4 Ada Rocchi, Lesson: world population and wealth MathWorlds 4: Pitching questions at various levels. Chapter 5: Consuming culture: commodities and cultural resources Response to Chapter 5: Emphasize the meaning-making of mathematics Action Research 5 Colleen Murphy, Problem solving through literature MathWorlds 5: Turning "puzzles" into "problems" or "exercises" Chapter 6: Metaphors for the classroom space Response to Chapter 6: Take ownership of your classroom space Action Research 6 Kristin Iaccio, Linking mathematics to social issues MathWorlds 6: Same math, different metaphors Chapter 7: Places where people learn mathematics Response to Chapter 7: The classroom is always changing Action Research 7 Petal Sumner, Empowering students who don't learn Chapter 8: When students don't learn Response to Chapter 8: We are all students Epilogue: Becoming a teacher and changing with mathematics Afterword: What will you write in your chapter? Appendices