The McDonnell Douglas Missile Systems Company (M.DMSC) guidance software group examined the feasibility of adapting anobject-oriented software development (OOSD) approach for developing a reai-time missile environment simulation. Severai object-oriented approaches were examined — including Colbert’s and Shlaer-Mellor’s Object-OrientedMethod — and Colbert’s 00SD method was selected for its unique graphical formalisms to describe system objects and interactions. Colbert’s OOSD method is an objectoriented approach to software development, encompassing Object-Oriented Requirements Analysis (OORA) and Object-Oriented Design (OOD) which encompasses the toplevel and detailed design phases. This method was successfully adapted and applied to a hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) simulation tool. In adapting Colbert’s OOSD method to this application, we learned that (1) Colbert’s OORA and OOD ailow a system to be partitioned into software objects with well-defined interfaces and with program internals hidden within the objects; (2) Colbert’s OOSD allows an easy integration process because of tightly controlled interfaces between objects, localization of ail information pertaining to an object or class of objects in one part of the system, and information hiding; (3) Colbert’s 00SD method was very effective in essentially eliminating the need for any redesign or rewrite of software; and (4) Colbert’s 00SD does not address the issues related to software testing, software verification and validation, or software maintenance. This was the group’s frost application of an object-oriented technique, * “Approved for Public Release: Distribution is Unlimited” “Case No. 91-3561” Permission to copy without fee aIl or part of this material is granted provided that the copies am not made or d,stnbuted for direct con-uneraa.l advantage, the ACM copyright nctice and the Mle of the publication and its date appear, and notice IS given that copying is by permission of the Asswiation for Computmg Machinexy. To copy otherwise or republish, mquim a fee .md/or specific pemd.won.
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