Saccharification of Baggase, Paper waste by cellula se produced from Aspergillus flavus

The efficiency of cellulase produced by Aspergil lus flavus (NFCCI 2703) in bioconversion viasol id state fermentation using paper waste and bagasse as substrates was studied. Optimization parameters and effect of co-inducers on production of F Pase, CMCase, and cellobiose were assayed. Opti mum pH for paper waste was 4.5 and 5.5 for bagasse, 30 0 C was optimum for both substrates, moisture content was found to be 85% and 90% for bagasse and paper w aste respectively. Sucrose was found to be best co-inducer for bagasse and enhanced the activity by 21.91%, 11.11%, 11.77% of CMCase, FPase and cellobiase respectively. Using paper waste as subst rate the CMCase, FPase and cellobiase activit ies were enhanced by 21.6%, 34.65%, 29.55%, respect ively by cellulose. Bioconversion of paper waste was 20% more as compared to bagasse though; high er concentrations of substrate and incubation period inhibited the enzyme. This study reports that cellulase produced by A. flavus (NFCCI 2703) was more effective in bioconversion of paper waste as compared to bagasse .