The angular distribution of γ-radiation from light nuclei I. Experimental

The experimental procedure used in studying the angular distribution of γ-radiation produced by the proton bombardment of some light nuclei is described. Results are given for the radiation following proton capture by the nuclei Li7, Be9, C12, C13 and for the radiation from the residual O16* nucleus produced in the reaction F19 (p, α) O16*. Proton energies between 300 and 1000 keV were available. The distribution of the radiation from Li7 was investigated over the whole range of energies; in the other cases the distribution was measured at energies corresponding to resonance maxima for the processes. The main results are: reaction Li7 (p, γ) Be8 Be9 (p, γ) B10 C12 (p, γ) N13 C13 (p, γ) N14 F19 (p, α) O16* proton energy (keV) 440 960 450 550 330, 470 and 670 590 870 angular distribution 1+ 0.05 cosθ 1 + 0.09 sin2θ isotropic isotropic isotropic 1 + 0.2 cos2θ 1 + 0.1 cos2θ