HERCULES A-B-C, A 10-Year Major R&D Effort Towards the Next Generation Large Marine Diesel Engines
Abstract In the year 2004, the Integrated project I.P.HERCULES (High Efficiency Engine R&D on Combustion with Ultra Low Emissions for Ships) was funded within EC/FP6, with the major engine makers MAN & WARTSILA, which together hold 90% of the world market and 40 other industrial & university partners. It was the 1st phase of the HERCULES R&D programme on large engine technologies. The I.P. HERCULES (A) was broad in the coverage of the various R&D topics and considered a range of options and technologies. HERCULES- B was the Phase II of the Programme, running from 2008 to 2011, with 32 participant organisations and 26 M€ budget, funded by FP7. The general targets for emissions and fuel consumption were retained in HERCULES-B. However, based on the developed know-how and results of I.P. HERCULES (A), it was possible to narrow down the search area, to focus on potential breakthrough research and to further develop the most promising techniques for lower specific fuel consumption (and CO2 emissions) and ultra-low gaseous and particulate emissions. For taking marine engine technology a step further towards improved sustainability in energy production and total energy economy, an extensive integration of the multitude of new technologies identified in Phase I and Phase II of HERCULES is required. The HERCULES-C project (2012-2015) with 22 participant organizations and 17 M€ budget, is the Phase III of the HERCULES programme and adopts a combinatory approach for engine thermal processes optimization, system integration, as well as engine reliability and lifetime. This paper provides an overview of the complex structure, as well as the main achievements of the HERCULES R&D programme.