Tourism and sex: culture, commerce and coercion.

1. Tourism, international travel and sex: themes and research - Simon Carter & Stephen Clift. PART ONE: TOURISM AND COMMERCIAL SEX. 2. Sex tourism: paradigms of confusion - Chris Ryan. 3. Tourism and 'embodied commodities: sex tourism in the Caribbean - Jacqueline Sanchez Taylor. 4. Sex tourism and child prostitution - Julia OConnell Davidson. 5. Combatting tourist sexual exploitation of children - Jayne Hoose, Stephen Clift & Simon Carter. 6. Tourism and commercial sex in Indonesia - Kathleen Ford & Dewa Nyoman Wirawan. 7. The use of commercial sex venues and male escorts by gay tourists in New York City - Michael Luongo. 8. Sex in the tourist city: the development of commercial sex as part of the provision of tourist services - Simon Carter. PART TWO: TOURISM, SEXUAL ACTIVITY AND RISK. 9. Sexual risk behaviour in a sample of 5,676 young, unaccompanied travellers - Michael Bloor et al. 10. Studies of sexual risk behaviour among clinic attendees - Graham Hart & Sarah Hawkes. 11. Tourism and the sexual ecology of gay men - Stephen Clift & Simon Forrest. 12. Exploring the contexts and meanings of womens experiences of sexual intercourse on holiday - Michelle Thomas. 13. EscapeEs: What kind of ecstasy are rave holiday-makers seeking? - Furzana Khan et al. 14. Locality, loyalty and identity: experience of travel and marriage among young Punjabi women in Glasgow - Hannah Bradby. 15. Sex and travel: making the links - Paula Black Epilogue. 16. Tourism and sex: critical issues and new directions - Stephen Clift & Simon Carter.