involving a nonlinear diffusion coefficient a: IR iR+. Problem (1.1) also serves as a model for the saturation of porous media by liquid flow, in which case a (u) is related to the capillary pressure of the pores. In certain industrial applications a numerical simulation may require solving (1.1) for u. We call this the direct problem. In these simulations it is crucial that a coefficient a(u) be used that is not only qualitatively correct but also reasonably accurate. Unfortunately, tabulated values for a (u) from the literature often provide only a rough guess of the true coefficient; in this case simulations are not likely to be reliable. Consequently, identification of the diffusion coefficient a (u) from experimental data (typically, u(x, t) for some abscissa x E (0, 1) and 0 < t < T) is often the first hurdle to clear. This is the associated inverse problem. A standard method to solve the inverse problem is the output least squares method, which tries to match the given data with simulated quantities using a gradient or Newton type method for updating the diffusion coefficient. Alternatively, one can consider (1.1) as a linear equation for a (u). To set up this equation requires numerical differentiation of the data [6]. This approach is called the equation error method. It must be emphasized that inverse problems are often very ill-conditioned: for example, small changes in a (.) have little effect on the solution u in (1.1), and consequently one cannot expect high resolution reconstructions of a in the presence of measurement errors in u. Indeed, small errors in u may cause large errors in the computed a if they are not taken into account appropriately. Numerical differentiation of the data encompasses many subtleties and pitfalls that a complex (linear) inverse problem can exhibit; yet it is very easy to understand and analyze. For this reason one could say that numerical differentiation itself is an ideal model for inverse problems in a basic numerical analysis course. To support this statement we revisit a well-known algorithm for numerical differentiation of noisy data and present a new error bound for it. The method and the error bound can be interpreted as an instance of one of the most important results in regularization theory for ill-posed problems. Still, our presentation is on a very basic level and requires no prior knowledge besides standard n-dimensional calculus and the notion of cubic splines. Groetsch's book [4] presents other realistic inverse problems on an elementary technical level. Further examples and a rigorous introduction to regularization theory for the computation of stable solutions to these examples can be found in [1].
C. Reinsch.
Smoothing by spline functions
H. Engl,et al.
Regularization of Inverse Problems
Otmar Scherzer,et al.
Error Analysis of an Equation Error Method for the Identification of the Diffusion Coefficient in a Quasi-linear Parabolic Differential Equation
SIAM J. Appl. Math..
Charles W. Groetsch,et al.
Differentiation of approximately specified functions
L. Schumaker.
Spline Functions: Basic Theory
C. W. Groetsch,et al.
The theory of Tikhonov regularization for Fredholm equations of the first kind
James V. Beck,et al.
The Mollification Method and the Numerical Solution of Ill-Posed Problems (Diego A. Murio)
SIAM Rev..
Diego A. Murio,et al.
The Mollification Method and the Numerical Solution of Ill-Posed Problems
G. Wahba.
Spline models for observational data
M. Rosenblatt,et al.
Smoothing Splines: Regression, Derivatives and Deconvolution
I J Schoenberg,et al.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.