National Dam Safety Program. E. Anthonis Lake Dam (MO 31135), Mississippi - Kaskaskia - St. Louis Basin, Franklin County, Missouri. Phase I Inspection Report.

Abstract : Anthonis Dam is an earthfill structure approximately 39 ft high and 420 ft long at the crest. The only spillway associated with the dam is an unlined earth swale (uncontrolled crest) around the north abutment. Our inspection and evaluation indicates that the spillway does not meet the criteria set forth in the guidelines for a dam having the above size and hazard potential. the spillway will pass 44 percent of the Probable Maximum Flood without overtopping. Deficiencies visually observed by the inspection team were: (1) heavy brush and tree growth on embankment surface; (2) erosion at the south abutment - dam contact and on the downstream face; (3) small animal burrows in the embankment; (4) weed and cattail growth in the spillway approach channel; (5) wet areas at and beyond downstream toe of embankment; (6) lack of wave protection for upstream face of embankment; and (7) lack of a non-erodible control section for the spillway.