WSML2Reasoner - A Comprehensive Reasoning Framework for the Semantic Web
The amount of data on the Internet is rapidly growing. Formal languages are used to annotate such data in order to make it machine-understandable; i.e., allow machines to reason about it, to check consistency, to answer queries, or to infer new facts. Essential for this are formalisms that allow for tractable and efficient reasoning algorithms. Particular care is demanded in efficiently responding to the trade-off between expressivity and usefulness. The updated Web Ontology Language (OWL 2) provides dialects that are restricted in their semantic expressivity for optimizing the reasoning behavior; e.g., the OWL 2 EL or OWL 2 RL profiles. Such dialects are very important to respond to the aforementioned trade-off. Profiles reflect particular requirements and yield purposeful balance between expressivity and computational complexity. The support for dialects is not only given in OWL 2, but also in the Rule Interchange Format (RIF) standards. RIF specifies formalisms for the knowledge exchange between different rule systems. The same applies for the WSML language that provides variants for Description Logics and rule-based reasoning. The goal remains the same, formalisms that are expressive enough to be useful, while exhibiting reasoning characteristics that can scale to the size of the Web. Leveraging this is exactly the objective of the WSML2Reasoner framework. In Section 2 we present WSML2Reasoner and our reasoners IRIS and Elly. We show how the Datalog engine IRIS is used as reasoner for RIF-BLD, and how the ELP reasoner Elly supports the OWL 2 EL and RL profiles. In Section 3 we provide a short example of what shall be shown, amongst other things, during the demo session, and we conclude with Section 4.
[1] Bernardo Cuenca Grau,et al. OWL 2 Web Ontology Language: Profiles , 2009 .
[2] Jos de Bruijn,et al. The Web Service Modeling Language WSML: An Overview , 2006, ESWC.
[3] Sebastian Rudolph,et al. ELP: Tractable Rules for OWL 2 , 2008, SEMWEB.