Design of an Improved Anti-Collision Unit for an RFID Reader System Based on Gen2
In this paper, we propose an improved anti-collision algorithm. We have designed an anti-collision unit using this algorithm for the 18000-6 Type C Class 1 Generation 2 standard (Gen2). The Gen2 standard uses a Q-algorithm for incremental method on the Dynamic Slot-Aloha algorithm. It has basically enhanced performance over the Slot-Aloha algorithm. Unfortunately, there are several non-clarified parts: initial value, weighted C, and the ending point of the algorithm. If an incorrect value is selected, it causes degradation in performance. Thus we propose an improved anti-collision algorithm by clearly defining the vague parts of the existing algorithm. Simulation results showed an improved performance of up to 34.8% using an optimized value of C and the initial value. With the ending condition, performance is 34.7%. The anti-collision unit is designed using the Verilog HDL. The module was synthesized using Synopsys' Design Compiler and the TSMC standard cell library. The synthesized result yielded 3,847 gates, and was guaranteed under the proposed working frequency of 19.2MHz.