The energy demand of electric vehicles (EVs) is expected to take a significant share in the electricity market in the future. As the charging power of EVs is much higher than any other individual household appliances, the power demand modeling of EVs needs to be analyzed. In this study, the charging profile of EVs is modeled by combining two probabilistic functions together: state of charge (SOC) before charging and start charging time (SCT). Analysis study shows that beta distribution function is selected as the more appropriate approach to represent the initial SOC of an EV. Furthermore, two charging scenarios are considered to model SCTs. Finally, demand profiles are worked out and compared between different scenarios, and among different penetration levels of EVs. The structure of this paper is presented as below. Two charging scenarios (methods) are introduced firstly. Next, fitness analysis of Beta distribution is performed. Thirdly, the SOC of EVs before charging is modeled. Fourthly, the SCT of EVs for each charging method is modeled. Fifthly, the power demand of an EV is modeled. Finally, the calculated new typical load profiles with EVs' charging are presented.
R. Herman,et al.
A Practical Probabilistic Design Procedure for LV Residential Distribution Systems
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery.
Yue Yuan,et al.
Modeling of Load Demand Due to EV Battery Charging in Distribution Systems
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems.
R. Herman,et al.
The statistical description of grouped domestic electrical load currents
S. Heunis,et al.
A Probabilistic Model for Residential Consumer Loads
IEEE Power Engineering Review.
Samuel Kotz,et al.
A novel extension of the triangular distribution and its parameter estimation
Yue Yuan,et al.
Load model for prediction of electric vehicle charging demand
2010 International Conference on Power System Technology.