Best-Practice-Empfehlungen zu Zielsetzungen, Inhalten und Methoden ambulanter und stationärer Rehabilitationsmaßnahmen von Patienten mit chronifizierenden oder chronischen Rückenschmerzen

The cooperative project “Quality management in the process of care management of back pain” of the Bertelsmann foundation, the Institute of Community Medicine at the University Greifswald and 20 other partners focuses on the development of an integrative care management conception to improve the quality of the care of back pain. Paying attention to existing quality deficits in the sector of rehabilitation with its interfaces to curation and aftercare, the aim of the task force “rehabilitation” was to develop new approaches for the care management process of back pain. One key aspect is the development of best-practice recommendations for objectives, treatment principles and components of therapy in the rehabilitation of chronic back pain for persons in the working age of 18-65 years. For that purpose the scientific standard of knowledge concerning successful interventions, being reported in existing systematic reviews and national studies, was summarized and consensually evaluated. The results constitute the fundamentals for an evidence based, standardized conceptual course of action in the rehabilitation of back pain.

[1]  B. Greitemann,et al.  Integriertes Orthopädisch-Psychosomatisches Konzept zur medizinischen Rehabilitation von Patienten mit chronischen Schmerzen des Bewegungsapparates - Langfristige Effekte und Nachhaltigkeit eines multimodalen Programmes zur Aktivierung und beruflichen Umorientierung , 2006 .

[2]  George Tomlinson,et al.  Systematic Review: Strategies for Using Exercise Therapy To Improve Outcomes in Chronic Low Back Pain , 2005, Annals of Internal Medicine.

[3]  H. Raspe,et al.  Zur Wirksamkeit von stationärer medizinischer Rehabilitation in Deutschland bei chronischen Rückenschmerzen: Aktualisierung und methodenkritische Diskussion einer Literaturübersicht , 2005 .

[4]  J. Bengel,et al.  Teamarbeit und Teamerfolg bei multi- und interdisziplinären Teams in der medizinischen Rehabilitation , 2004 .

[5]  B. Koes,et al.  Work conditioning, work hardening and functional restoration for workers with back and neck pain. , 2003, The Cochrane database of systematic reviews.

[6]  B. Greitemann,et al.  „Lebenslust statt Krankheitsfrust” - Implementation und Evaluation eines Programms zur aktiven Patientenbeteiligung in der stationären Rehabilitation chronischer RückenschmerzpatientInnen , 2001 .

[7]  B. Koes,et al.  Exercise therapy for low back pain. , 2000, The Cochrane database of systematic reviews.

[8]  Susan M. Miller,et al.  Functional Restoration for Spinal Disorders: The Sports Medicine Approach , 1989 .

[9]  Pamela C Sieving,et al.  WHAT IS A COCHRANE REVIEW? , 2007, ORL-head and neck nursing : official journal of the Society of Otorhinolaryngology and Head-Neck Nurses.

[10]  S J Linton,et al.  Behavioural treatment for chronic low-back pain. , 2005, The Cochrane database of systematic reviews.

[11]  B. Koes,et al.  Outcome of non-invasive treatment modalities on back pain: an evidence-based review , 2005, European Spine Journal.