EIGindy and Avis [EA] considered the problem of determining the visibility polygon from a point inside a polygon. Their algorithm runs in optimal O(n ) time and space, where n is the number of the vertices of the given polygon. Later their result was generalized to visibility polygons from an edge by EIGindy [Eli, and Lee and Lin ILL I. Both independently discovered O(nlogn) algorithms for this problem. Very recently Guibas e|. ai. [GH] have proposed an optimal 0 ( n ) time algorithm. None of these algorithms work for polygons with holes. In this paper we consider the problem of computing visibility polygon.q inside a polygon P that may have holes. Our first result is an algorithm for computing the visibility polygon from a given point inside P . The algorithm runs in 0 (nlogn) time, which is proved to be optimal by reduction from the problem of sorting n positive integers (Aaano st. al, [AA] have obtained this result independently). Next we consider the problem of determining the visibility polygon from a line segment. As our main result, we establish a worst-ease lower bound of N(n 4) for explicitly computing the boundary of the visibility polygon from a line segment in the presence of other line segments, and design an optimal algorithm to construct the boundary. We also present an 0 (n 2) time and space algorithm if the visibility polygon can be represented as a union of several polygons. The latter algorithm is also proved to be optimal in the worst case.
B. Chazelle.
Intersecting Is Easier than Sorting
Michael McKenna.
Worst-case optimal hidden-surface removal
Leonidas J. Guibas,et al.
Linear time algorithms for visibility and shortest path problems inside simple polygons
SCG '86.
Leonidas J. Guibas,et al.
Visibility-polygon search and euclidean shortest paths
26th Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (sfcs 1985).
Emo WELZL,et al.
Constructing the Visibility Graph for n-Line Segments in O(n²) Time
Inf. Process. Lett..
E. Grosswald.
Topics from the theory of numbers
D. T. Lee,et al.
Computing the visibility polygon from an edge
Comput. Vis. Graph. Image Process..
Leonidas J. Guibas,et al.
Visibility and intersectin problems in plane geometry
SCG '85.
David Avis,et al.
A Linear Algorithm for Computing the Visibility Polygon from a Point
J. Algorithms.