Correlation: Parametric and Nonparametric Measures

Ch 1. Introduction Characteristics of a Relationship Correlation and Causation Correlation and Causation Correlation and Correlational Methods Choice of Correlation Indexes Ch 2. The Pearson Product-Moment Correlation Interpretation of Pearson r Assumptions of Pearson r in Inferential Statistics Sampling Distributions of the Pearson r Properties of the Sampling Distribution of the Pearson Null Hypothesis Tests of r = 0 Null Hypothesis Tests of r = ro Confidence Intervals of r Null Hypothesis Test of r1 = r2 Null Hypothesis Test for the Difference Among More Than Two Independent r's Null Hypothesis Test for the Difference Between Two Dependent Correlations Chapter 3: Special Cases of The Pearson r Point-Biserial Correlation, rpb Phi Coefficient, f Spearman Rank-Order Correlation, rrank True vs. Artificially Converted Scores Biserial Coefficient, Tetrachoric Coefficient, Eta Coefficient, Other Special Cases of the Pearson r Chapter 4: Applications of the Pearson r Application I: Effect Size Application II: Power Analysis Application III: Meta-Analysis Application IV: Utility Analysis Application V: Reliability Estimates Application VI: Validation Chapter 5: Factors Affecting the Size and Interpretation of the Pearson r Shapes of Distributions Sample Size Outliers Restriction of Range Nonlinearity Aggregate Samples Ecological Inference Measurement Error Third Variables Chapter 6: Other Useful Nonparametric Correlations C and Cramer's V Coefficients Kendall's t Coefficient Kendall's tb and Stuart's tc Coefficients Goodman-Kruskal's g Coefficient Kendall's Partial Rank-Order Correlation, References Lists of Tables Lists of Figures List of Appendixes About the Authors