Generation of geometry of closed human head and discretisation for finite element analysis

The experiment used four acid dyes, three basic dyes and two solvents, ethanol and toluene. The procedure was to stir a very small quantity 1 mm 3) o f powdered dye into 2 ml of the selected solvent and then to mix this with 2 ml o f D e 3140. The mixture was deposited as 'spots,' about 1.5 cm in diameter, on to clean microscope slides, which were then cured in moist air in a pressure chamber at 2 bar. Curing under pressure prevents bubbles appearing in the spots as a result of the contraction of the rubber during cure. The spot colours noted were those seen after 24 h; in most cases, however, the colour developed within a few minutes and was stable therafter, 48 h were allowed for cure.