U.S. Department of Energy Workshop Report - Research Needs for Wind Resource Characterization

This workshop brought the different atmospheric and wind technology specialists together to evaluate research needs for wind resource characterization.

[1]  J. Deardorff A numerical study of three-dimensional turbulent channel flow at large Reynolds numbers , 1970, Journal of Fluid Mechanics.

[2]  J. Lumley,et al.  A First Course in Turbulence , 1972 .

[3]  P. Taylor,et al.  The Askervein Hill project: Overview and background data , 1987 .

[4]  J. Hunt,et al.  Turbulent shear flows over low hills , 1988 .

[5]  Peter A. Taylor,et al.  Development of a non-linear mixed spectral finite difference model for turbulent boundary-layer flow over topography , 1994 .

[6]  P. Sullivan,et al.  A Comparison of Shear- and Buoyancy-Driven Planetary Boundary Layer Flows , 1994 .

[7]  Michael R. Raupach,et al.  Large-Eddy Simulation of Windbreak Flow , 1998 .

[8]  A. Ohmura,et al.  The Global Energy Balance Archive , 1999 .

[9]  F. Giorgi,et al.  Introduction to special section : Regional climate modeling revisited , 1999 .

[10]  J. Finnigan Turbulence in plant canopies , 2000 .

[11]  Jean Palutikof,et al.  Tests of the Generalized Pareto Distribution for Predicting Extreme Wind Speeds , 2000 .

[12]  W. Collins,et al.  The NCEP–NCAR 50-Year Reanalysis: Monthly Means CD-ROM and Documentation , 2001 .

[13]  W. Oechel,et al.  FLUXNET: A New Tool to Study the Temporal and Spatial Variability of Ecosystem-Scale Carbon Dioxide, Water Vapor, and Energy Flux Densities , 2001 .

[14]  Jinmei Shen,et al.  SHELTERBELTS AND WINDBREAKS: Mathematical Modeling and Computer Simulations of Turbulent Flows , 2001 .

[15]  Claudio Tebaldi,et al.  Looking for Nonlinearities in the Large Scale Dynamics of the Atmosphere , 2001, SDM.

[16]  Joan Cuxart,et al.  CASES-99: a comprehensive investigation of the stable nocturnal boundary layer , 2002 .

[17]  M. Parlange,et al.  Statistics of extremes in hydrology , 2002 .

[18]  N. M. Nielsen,et al.  Offshore Wind Turbine Wakes Measured by Sodar , 2003 .

[19]  T. W. Horst,et al.  Structure of subfilter-scale fluxes in the atmospheric surface layer with application to large-eddy simulation modelling , 2003, Journal of Fluid Mechanics.

[20]  Robert M. Banta,et al.  Relationship between Low-Level Jet Properties and Turbulence Kinetic Energy in the Nocturnal Stable Boundary Layer , 2003 .

[21]  S. Pacala,et al.  Can large wind farms affect local meteorology , 2003 .

[22]  W. Clinton State of the Union Address , 2003 .

[23]  R. Barthelmie,et al.  Can Satellite Sampling of Offshore Wind Speeds Realistically Represent Wind Speed Distributions , 2003 .

[24]  R. Barthelmie,et al.  Can Satellite Sampling of Offshore Wind Speeds Realistically Represent Wind Speed Distributions? Part II: Quantifying Uncertainties Associated with Distribution Fitting Methods , 2004 .

[25]  K. Ayotte,et al.  Observations of Boundary-Layer Wind-Tunnel Flow over Isolated Ridges of Varying Steepness and Roughness , 2004 .

[26]  K. Kok,et al.  A Combined Physical–Statistical Approach for the Downscaling of Model Wind Speed , 2004 .

[27]  Impact of a large-scale offshore wind farm on meteorology : Numerical simulations with a mesoscale circulation model , 2004 .

[28]  N. Mortensen,et al.  WAsP prediction errors due to site orography , 2004 .

[29]  J. Wyngaard Toward Numerical Modeling in the “Terra Incognita” , 2004 .

[30]  David W Keith,et al.  The influence of large-scale wind power on global climate. , 2004, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

[31]  R. Barthelmie,et al.  Quantifying offshore wind resources from satellite wind maps: study area the North Sea , 2004 .

[32]  D. Jager,et al.  Lamar Low-Level Jet Program Interim Report , 2004 .

[33]  William J. Massman,et al.  Influence of high-frequency ambient pressure pumping on carbon dioxide efflux from soil , 2004 .

[34]  Charlotte Bay Hasager,et al.  Wake effects of large offshore wind farms identified from satellite SAR , 2005 .

[35]  Charlotte Bay Hasager,et al.  Offshore wind resource estimation from satellite SAR wind field maps , 2005 .

[36]  C. L. Archer,et al.  Evaluation of global wind power , 2005 .

[37]  A. Sterl,et al.  The ERA‐40 re‐analysis , 2005 .

[38]  R. Barthelmie,et al.  Empirical downscaling of wind speed probability distributions , 2005 .

[39]  R. Barthelmie,et al.  Potential climate change impact on wind energy resources in northern Europe: analyses using a regional climate model , 2005 .

[40]  B. Lange,et al.  Comparison of Wake Model Simulations with Offshore Wind Turbine Wake Profiles Measured by Sodar , 2006 .

[41]  Alex Hall,et al.  Local Regimes of Atmospheric Variability: A Case Study of Southern California , 2006 .

[42]  H. Jørgensen,et al.  Wind lidar evaluation at the Danish wind test site in Høvsøre , 2006 .

[43]  Michael H. Freilich,et al.  On the Use of QuikSCAT Scatterometer Measurements of Surface Winds for Marine Weather Prediction , 2006 .

[44]  Jakob Mann,et al.  The effects of disjunct sampling and averaging time on maximum mean wind speeds , 2006 .

[45]  A. Genio,et al.  ARM's Support for GCM Improvement: A White Paper , 2006 .

[46]  R. Barthelmie,et al.  Winds of change?: Projections of near‐surface winds under climate change scenarios , 2006 .

[47]  R. Barthelmie,et al.  Inter‐annual variability of wind indices across Europe , 2006 .

[48]  L. Leung,et al.  Regional Downscaling for Air Quality Assessment , 2007 .

[49]  Rebecca J. Barthelmie,et al.  Summary Report: The Shadow effect of large wind farms: measurements, data analysis and modelling: Risø-R-1615 (EN) , 2007 .

[50]  Timothy Martin,et al.  The daytime mixing layer observed by radiosonde, profiler, and lidar during MILAGRO , 2007 .

[51]  B. H. Jørgensen,et al.  Offshore Coastal Wind Speed Gradients: Issues for the Design and Development of Large Offshore Windfarms , 2007 .

[52]  Historical evolution of wind climates in the USA , 2007 .

[53]  J. Finnigan,et al.  A simple unified theory for flow in the canopy and roughness sublayer , 2007 .

[54]  C. Macdonald,et al.  The relationship among air quality, mixing heights, and winds observed during the entire TexAQS-II field study , 2007 .

[55]  S. Dupont,et al.  Edge Flow and Canopy Structure: A Large-Eddy Simulation Study , 2007 .

[56]  K. Klink,et al.  Atmospheric Circulation Effects on Wind Speed Variability at Turbine Height , 2007 .

[57]  Wind Energy and Climate: Modeling the Atmospheric Impacts of Wind Energy Turbines , 2007 .

[58]  Neil Kelley,et al.  Comparing Pulsed Doppler LIDAR with SODAR and Direct Measurements for Wind Assessment , 2007 .

[59]  William J. Massman,et al.  The Canopy Horizontal Array Turbulence Study (CHATS) , 2008 .

[60]  P. Sullivan A highly parallel algorithm for turbulence simulations in planetary boundary layers: Results with meshes up to 2048 3 , 2008 .

[61]  David W. Keith,et al.  On the Climate Impact of Surface Roughness Anomalies , 2008 .

[62]  Darko Koracin,et al.  Wind Energy Assessment Study for Nevada -- Tall Tower Deployment (Stone Cabin): 26 June 2005 - 31 December 2007 , 2009 .