This paper presents the suite of principles, designs criteria and verification process used in
the knowledge conceptualization process of a consensuated domain ontology in the domain of
chemicals. To achieve agreement between different development teams we propose the use of
a common and shared conceptual model as starting point. To capture domain knowledge of a
given domain and organize it in a shared and consensuated conceptual model, we recommend
an approach that integrates the following intermediate representation techniques: Data
Dictionary, Concepts Classification Trees, Tables of Instance Attributes, Table of Class
Attributes, Table of Constants, Tables of Formulas, Attributes Classification Trees, and
Tables of Instances. We also provide a set of guidelines to verify the knowledge gathered
inside each intermediate representations and between intermediate representations.
R. C. Weast.
CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics
P. Alexandre.
Curso breve de química, electroquímica y corrosión
Michael R. Genesereth,et al.
Logical foundations of artificial intelligence
W. W. Royce,et al.
Managing the development of large software systems: concepts and techniques
ICSE '87.
Bruce I. Blum,et al.
Software engineering - a holistic view
Asunción Gómez-Pérez,et al.
From Knowledge Based Systems to Knowledge Sharing Technology: Evaluation and Assessment