Basics of semiotics
Preface Thematic Epigraphs 1. Literary Semiotics and the Doctrine of Signs 2. Semiotics: Method or Point of View? 3. Semiosis: The Subject Matter of Semiotic Inquiry 4. Signs: The Medium of Semiosis 5. Zoosemiotics and Anthroposemiotics A. The Content of Experience B. Species-Specific Objective Worlds C. Species-Specifically Human Semiosis D. The Conventionality of Signs in Anthroposemiosis E. Criticism as the Exploration of Textuality F. A Matrix for All the Sciences G. A Model for Discourse as Semiosis H. Summation 6. Physiosemiosis and Phytosemiosis 7. Retrospect: History and Theory in Semiotics A. Theory of Semiotics B. History of Semiotics 1. The Ancient World and Augustine 2. The Latin World 3. The Iberian Connection 4. The Place of John Locke 5. Saussure, Peirce, and Poinsot 6. Jakob von Uexkull References Index
[1] Morris Swadesh,et al. The Linguistic Approach to Salish Prehistory , 1949 .