MotePlat: A Monitoring and Control Platform for Wireless Sensor Networks

With the wide application of wireless sensor networks, the surveillance of wireless sensor networks itself has drawn more and more attention. Based on sensor nodes under TinyOS, we develop a monitoring and control platform called MotePlat to facilitate our development of WSN application systems. MotePlat employs a three-tier application framework and adopts an agent mechanism in the software architecture of sensor nodes and sink nodes. Users can remotely acquire node status information, such as its residual energy, a list of its neighbor nodes and link quality to each neighbor through this platform. They can also adjust configuration of sensor nodes, control the network to accomplish various tasks, debug software modules of sensor nodes and test the network performance. In this paper, we describe some key technologies in MotePlat including node status information acquisition and network controlling mechanism, nodes' software architecture, and the workflow in the process of monitoring, control, debug and test