Analysis of accidents related to scaffolding and floor/wall openings

Abstract : Scaffolding and floor/wall openings are common potential hazards at construction sites and account for a significant number of accidents, many resulting in fatalities. The major types of scaffolds used in construction is reviewed and accompanied by illustrations. The liability involving scaffold and floor/wall opening accidents is also examined as associated with past and present case law. Accidents recorded under the Occupational Safety and Health Administration's (OSHA) Integrated Management Information System (IMIS) from 1985 to 1994 related to scaffolding or floor/wall openings were reviewed. Statistics were compiled about numerous characteristics of the scaffold and floor/wall opening accidents including: timing of accident, location of accident, company size, type work being performed, scaffold type, size opening, apparent causes, OSHA standards violated, and various information on the injuries sustained. By far, most of the scaffold and floor/wall opening accidents investigated were fall-related. Scaffold accidents generally involved the tubular welded frame type associated with masonry construction. The most common causes of scaffold accidents were a lack of guardrails and unsecure planking. Floor/wall openings accidents were mostly involved with open-sided floors and associated with roofing operations. The most common causes of floor/wall opening accidents were the lack of guards, inadequate covering, and the failure to use personal lifelines.