WORKSPACE-a microcomputer-based industrial robot simulator and off-line programming system
Describes WORKSPACE which was developed as the world's first industrial robot simulation software package. Since its commercial release in 1989 it has undergone many revisions. With the latest software release (version 3.2) WORKSPACE is in use on over 500 industrial and educational sites world-wide as both a graphic simulation system and a means of off-line programming a robot workcell. WORKSPACE is a software package which will create and simulate robot programmes in the native language of the robot. There is therefore no need for postprocessors to translate from a simulation language to the robot language: the full power of the robot language is available to the user through off-line programming. It is also possible to transfer existing robot programmes from the robot controller back into WORKSPACE for optimisation. Off-line programming is therefore a two-way process using WORKSPACE. This is particularly facilitated by the use of portable microcomputers which may be taken down onto the factory floor and used next to a robot workcell.