The Future

ALL this development, both on the transmitting and receiving side, has taken place well inside ten years, and is not solely due to the War, What will be the future of short-wave broadcasting ? Will people still go on listening and searching to see what they can find coming from distant countries ? There is not much doubt that for some time they will, since news must be foremost in everybody's mind for many years to come. The question remains what will happen when and if news becomes a matter of lees pressing importance to the whole world ? Is shortwave broadcasting capable of further development, purely as a means of recreation and enjoyment ? Whether the results obtainable by this means will-ever be equalled by an ordinary direct listener in his home would at first sight seem doubtful, but if the progress in the next ten years is anything like that in the last ten years, we may look forward to the day when reception from far-off countries is almost as good as from the local station, and a few years after that we may even see the addition of pictures.