Evaluations of gestural animations to convey feelings in asynchronous network communication

The paper deals with nonverbal communication in asynchronous networks. It is well known that nonverbal communication plays an important role in interpersonal communication. However, nonverbal communication has not been used in traditional character based network communication until now, yet the need for conveying feelings has increased. Due to the development of multimedia networks, it is thought that nonverbal communication can be valuable for network communication. The research is based on the importance of expressing feelings through nonverbal communication, especially gestures. It has not yet been determined what kind of feelings can be conveyed by gestures so the evaluation of feelings expressed by gestures has been done using animated cartoons. From this, it has been shown that feelings expressed by gestures on display are distinguished in five ways by the Japanese. Furthermore, an evaluation of electronic mail with computer graphics animation has been done as an example of asynchronous network communication. From this, it has been seen that mail with the gestural animation reflects the feelings of its animation. Using gestural animations to convey feelings in asynchronous networks has been suggested.<<ETX>>