Geological applications of automatic grid generation tools for finite elements applied to porous flow modeling

The construction of grids that accurately reflect geologic structure and stratigraphy for computational flow and transport models poses a formidable task. Even with a complete understanding of stratigraphy, material properties, boundary and initial conditions, the task of incorporating data into a numerical model can be difficult and time consuming. Furthermore, most tools available for representing complex geologic surfaces and volumes are not designed for producing optimal grids for flow and transport computation. We have developed a modeling tool, GEOMESH, for automating finite element grid generation that maintains the geometric integrity of geologic structure and stratigraphy. The method produces an optimal (Delaunay) tetrahedral grid that can be used for flow and transport computations. The process of developing a flow and transport model can be divided into three parts: (1) Developing accurate conceptual models inclusive of geologic interpretation, material characterization and construction of a stratigraphic and hydrostratigraphic framework model, (2) Building and initializing computational frameworks; grid generation, boundary and initial conditions, (3) Computational physics models of flow and transport. Process (1) and (3) have received considerable attention whereas (2) has not. This work concentrates on grid generation and its connections to geologic characterization and process modeling. Applications of GEOMESH illustrate grid generation for two dimensional cross sections, three dimensional regional models, and adaptive grid refinement in three dimensions. Examples of grid representation of wells and tunnels with GEOMESH can be found in Cherry et al. The resulting grid can be utilized by unstructured finite element or integrated finite difference models.