The main objective of this Workshop was to bring together in B a ff eminent and emerging researchers from the three main branches of Convex Geometry: Discrete, Analy tic and Applied. There has not been such a unifying conference in the past fifteen years. The organizer s b lieve that this objective was met during the week of March 4 9. First, of the thirty-nine participants, o ne third represented the current group of emerging researchers in the field; furthermore, five of these thirteen participants were graduate students. Specifically, three (Langi, Naszodi and Papez) from the University of Calg ary, one (Jimenez) from the University of Alberta, and one (Garcia-Colin) from the University Colleg e, London. Next, a common feature of many of the lectures was an exposito ry component. This reflected the acknowledgement and approval of the participants of the unifying as pect of the Workshop. The prevailing intent of the lectures was to present the major problems and recent adv ances of their particular branch of Convexity. Of particular note were the expository lectures on the combina torics of polytopes, the lectures introducing some of the current topics of interests in linear and convex optim ization, and the lectures concerning the various measures associated with convex bodies. Finally, the consensus of the participants was that such a un ifying convexity workshop was not only timely but also overdue. Their enthusiasm for the meeting is well evidenced by the full program of thirty six lectures, and by a very faithful attendance at these lecture s. The smallest number of listeners at any lecture was thirty, and that number was attained only at the last lect ur on Thursday.
E. Szemerédi.
Regular Partitions of Graphs
P. Mani,et al.
Almost ellipsoidal sections and projections of convex bodies
Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society.
Endre Szemerédi,et al.
Extremal problems in discrete geometry
L. Montejano,et al.
A quick proof of Höbinger-Burton-Larman's theorem
L. A S Z L,et al.
Crossing Numbers and Hard Erdős Problems in Discrete Geometry
L. A. Oa,et al.
Crossing Numbers and Hard Erd} os Problems in Discrete Geometry
A. Colesanti,et al.
A note on Sylvester's problem for random polytopes in a convex body
Paolo Gronchi,et al.
The Lp-Busemann–Petty Centroid Inequality
Paolo Dulio,et al.
Discrete Point X-rays
SIAM J. Discret. Math..
S. Campi,et al.
On volume product inequalities for convex sets