Three-Dimensional of Stratospheric NO' Predictions for Other Trace Constituents

The Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL) three-dimensional general circulation/tracer model has been used to investigate the stratospheric behavior of N20 under a range of photodestruction hypotheses. A comparison of observations with these simulations shows that the atmospheric N20 lifetime lies between 100 and 130 years. For the three experiments conducted, it was found that the model-derived global one-dimensional eddy diffusion coefficients K z for one experiment are appropriate for the other two experiments as well. In addition, the meridional slopes of N20 mixing ratio isolines are virtually identical in the lower stratosphere for all three experiments. The generality of these two results was explored with a simple "two-slab" model. In this model the equilibrium meridional slopes of trace gas isolines and Kz values are solved directly. The model predicts that long-lived gases with weak photodestruction rates should have similar meridional slopes, but the effect of faster destruction is to  ;<.::    : :. :' "

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