Comment on "Observation of intrinsic bistability in resonant-tunneling structures"
It is suggested that the intrinsic bistability observed by Goldman et al. (1987) occurred not because of charging of the well, as is claimed, but because of oscillations in the negative-resistance region. A typical I-V curve for a double-barrier resonant-tunneling (DBRT) diode which is known to be oscillating is presented. In a reply to this comment, Goldman et al. show that the series resistance (of about 100 ohms) in Sollner's sample leads to extrinsic, rather than intrinsic, bistability. It is furthermore suggested that the mere presence of an oscillation does not in itself exclude intrinsic bistability in a DBRT structure. It is also noted that the intrinsic bistability and buildup of negative charge-space in a DBRT structure well has been demonstrated experimentally by Payling et al. (1987).