Benchmark analysis of neutronics performances of a SiC block irradiated with 14 MeV neutrons
Abstract Silicon carbide (SiC) in the form of ceramic matrix is a low activation structural material proposed for fusion reactors. Its development is pursued in the European Fusion Technology Program. A SiC block (457×457×711 mm3), borrowed from JAERI, was irradiated with 14 MeV neutrons at the FNG facility of ENEA Frascati. Activation reaction rates, neutron fluxes and spectra, as well as nuclear heating were measured in four selected experimental positions inside the block. The experimental analysis was performed using the Monte Carlo transport code MCNP-4C and point-wise cross sections derived from FENDL-2.0, EFF-2.4 and EFF-3.0 evaluated nuclear data files. Deterministic transport calculations were also performed using the discrete ordinates code DORT. The sensitivity and uncertainty analysis were performed as well using the SUSD3D code. Results indicate that calculation based on EFF-3.0 nuclear data file estimates the neutron flux and spectra with a reasonable uncertainty which is still lower than ±30% for all measured quantities.
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