U1/U2 uranium plume characterization, remedial action review and recommendation for future action

Research topics include: the need for additional characterization of a uranium groundwater plume associated with the 216-U-1 and 216-U-2 cribs(U1/U2 cribs); regulatory requirements for cleaning up the plume beyond the cleanup already completed; the technical feasibility and cost of additional cleanup by pumping and processing groundwater. Conclusions resulting from these investigations include additional characterization of the uranium contaminant plume and other nearby contaminant plumes is required before resuming groundwater pumping to cleanse the aquifer below the U1/U2 cribs, and future groundwater pumping to clean up the aquifer should not be performed without prior agreement with the US Environmental Protection Agency and the State of Washington Department of Ecology. Specifically, negotiations with the regulatory agencies should establish the need for, and appropriateness of, any proposed groundwater pumping. 4 figs., 5 tabs.