Thermal properties of doughs formulated with enzymes and starters

Abstract Thermal properties (gelatinization, amylose-lipid complex dissociation and amylopectin retrogradation) of bread samples formulated with two different quality wheat flours, two enzymes (α-amylase/pentosanase, lipase and their mixture), and three microbial sourdough starters were studied with a differential scanning calorimeter. The carbohydrases modified gelatinization temperature and enthalpy, whilst the lipase modified the amylose-lipid complex dissociation. The enthalpy of amylopectin retrogradation was significantly influenced only by the storage of breads. Second-order interactive effects of enzymes with flour or starter were found for gelatinization and/or amylose-lipid complex dissociation parameters. Some interesting relationships were observed between thermal and textural properties of fresh and stored breads.