Content-Based Second Language Teaching and Learning: An Interactive Approach
I. LANGUAGE / LANGUAGE LEARNING / LANGUAGE ACQUISITION. 1. How Languages Are Learned and Acquired. Interactive Learning in Content-Based Classes. Socio-Cultural Theories and Practices. Psycholinguistic Theories and Practices. Role of Interaction in Language and Literacy Learning. Interaction and Roles of First and Second Languages. How Assumptions About Language and Language Learning Shape Our Understanding. Core Principles About Interactive Approach to Content-based Teaching and Learning. Second Language Learning and Second Language Acquisition. II. INTERACTIVE INSTRUCTIONAL PRACTICE IN CONTENT-BASED SETTINGS. 2. Methods and Approaches in Language Teaching. Traditional Behaviorist Methods. Rationalist and Mentalist Methods. Functional Approaches. Humanistic Approaches. What Is Language? A Look at Linguistic, Psycholinguistic, and Socio-Cultural Theories. 3. Planning for the Standards-based Classroom. Planning and Managing Interactive Instruction. Course and Program Planning. Program Models. The Role of Textbooks and Other Materials in Planning for Content-Based Instruction. Unit Planning. Planning for Diverse Learners. Planning Across Proficiency Levels. Daily Lesson Planning. Planning and Alternative Scheduling Formats. Effective Planning and Teaching Strategies. 4. Creating Interactive and Content-Based Assessment. Introduction to Assessment. Reasons for Assessment. Alternative Assessment/Performance-Based Tasks. Integrated Performance Assessments. Types of Oral Language Assessment. Reading and Writing Assessment. Rubrics. Steps to Designing a Rubric. Using Interactive Technology. Understanding Standardized Tests. 5. Interactive Listening and Reading. Interactive Listening and Reading in Content-Based Classes. Skills in Listening Comprehension. Research on Listening Comprehension Development. Classroom Application. Reading versus Literacy. Reading and Listening as Interpretive Skills. Reading and Viewing as Interactive Processes. Strategy-Based Reading Instruction. The Process of Interpretive Communication. Strategies Used in Interactive Listening. Characteristics of Successful Listeners. Reading as an Interactive Process. Types of Reading Strategies. Facilitating the Reading Process. Integrating Technology. Reading Assessment. 6. Foregrounding Oral Communication. Simultaneous First and Second Language Oral Development. Developing Oral Communication in Sequential Language Acquisition. Language as a Resource. Classroom Language Learning. Subtractive Bilingualism. Second Language Acquisition Research. Classroom-Based Research on Tasks and Interaction That Facilitate Oral Communication Development. Planned Oral Communication. Identity and Agency Building. Instructional Practices for Oral Communication Development. Going Beyond the National Standards. 7. A Focus on Written Language Communication. Research on Writing. Teaching Interactive Second Language Writing in Content-Based Classes. Writing and the Standards. Integrating Technology and Writing. Writing Assessment. Teaching Diverse Learners in the Writing Process. Writing and Reading Strategy Instruction. 8. An Interactive Approach for Working with Diverse Learners. Impact of Changing Demographics. Pedagogical Implications for Working with Diverse Learners. Learner-Centered Instruction in an Interactive, Content-based Classroom. The Multiple Intelligences. Learning Styles. Culturally Relevant Pedagogy. Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Exceptional Students. Working with Gifted Learners in Second Language Classrooms. Special Needs Learners. 9. Integrating Technology in an Interactive, Content-Based Classroom. Pedagogical Implications for Using Technology. Digital Literacy Technology in an Interactive Classroom. Technology and Foreign/Second Language Literacy. Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL). Games as Interactive Activities. World Wide Web Resources for Language Teachers. E-mail. Listservs. Chatrooms. Distance Education. Video Conferencing. Using Internet-Based Activities. Videotexts. Technology and Assessment. Technology and Standards. Determining Selection of Videos for Use. Developments and Trends in Technology. III. FOCUS ON COMPREHENSION. 10. Comprehension Exercises and Activities.