Classroom projects on database connectivity and the Web
[1] Toby Berk. A simple student environment for lightweight process concurrent programming under SunOs , 1996, SIGCSE '96.
[2] Philip J. Pratt. Guide to SQL, 2nd Ed. , 1991 .
[3] Philip J. Pratt,et al. Database systems - management and design , 1987 .
[4] Ralph Morelli,et al. A system for teaching concurrent programming , 1991, SIGCSE '91.
[5] Sally Jo Cunningham. Internet-accessible information retrieval tools for advanced DB/IR courses , 1996, SIGCSE '96.
[6] Samuel J. Leffler,et al. The design and implementation of the 4.3 BSD Unix operating system , 1991, Addison-Wesley series in computer science.
[7] Suzanne W. Dietrich,et al. Database theory in practice: learning from cooperative group projects , 1996, SIGCSE '96.