A compact dipole UHF-RFID tag antenna

This paper presents a novel design of a compact dipole UHF-RFID tag antenna for the Malaysia frequency band (919-921 MHz). The design of the proposed tag antenna included meandering technique and capacitive-tip loading structure to reduce the size of the tag antenna. The overall dimension of the antenna is 43 × 26 × 0.787 mm3. The tag is composed of copper layer traces, SOT1122 chip from NXP Semiconductor and Rogers 5880 substrate with the relative permittivity of 2.2. The performance of the proposed tag antenna was analyzed in terms of matched impedance, return loss, antenna gain and tag reading range through CST simulation software. The tag reading range was also experimentally measured and the result was compared with the simulation result. The tag antenna has a long read range of 9.6 m in a direction normal to the reader.

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