Simulating Hive Cluster for Deployment Planning, Evaluation and Optimization

In the era of big data, Hive has quickly gained popularity for its superior capability to manage and analyze very large datasets, both structured and unstructured, residing in distributed storage systems. However, great opportunity comes with great challenges: Hive query performance is impacted by many factors which makes capacity planning and tuning for Hive cluster extremely difficult. These factors include system software stacks (Hive, MapReduce framework, JVM and OS), cluster hardware configurations (processor, memory, storage, and network) and HIVE data models and distributions. Current planning methods are mostly trial-and-error or very high-level estimation based. These approaches are far from efficient and accurate, especially with the increasing software stack complexity, hardware diversity, and unavoidable data skew in distributed database system. In this paper, we propose a Hive simulation framework based on CSMethod, which simulates the whole hive query execution life cycle, including query plan generation and MapReduce task execution. The framework is validated using typical query operations with varying changes in hardware, software and workload parameters, showing high accuracy and fast simulation speed. We also demonstrate the application of this framework with two real-world use cases: helping customers to perform capacity planning and estimate business query response time before system provisioning.

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