Modern Fluid Dynamics: Basic Theory and Selected Applications in Macro- and Micro-Fluidics

Part A: Fluid Dynamics Essentials 1 REVIEW OF BASIC ENGINEERING CONCEPTS 1.1 Definitions and Concepts 1.2 The Continuum Mechanics Assumption 1.3 Fluid Flow Descriptions 1.4 Thermodynamic Properties and Constitutive Equations 1.5 Homework Assignments 2 FUNDAMENTAL EQUATIONS AND SOLUTIONS 2.1 Introduction 2.2 The Reynolds Transport Theorem 2.3 Fluid Mass Conservation 2.4 Momentum Conservation 2.5 Energy and Species Mass Conservation Laws 2.6 Homework Assignments 3 INTRODUCTORY FLUID DYNAMICS CASES 3.1 Inviscid Flow along a Streamline 3.2 Quasi-unidirectional Viscous Flows 3.3 Transient One-dimensional Flows 3.4 Simple Porous Media Flow 3.5 One-dimensional Compressible Flow 3.6 Forced Convection Heat & Mass Transfer 3.7 Entropy Generation Analysis 3.8 Homework Assignments REFERENCES (Part A) Part B: Conventional Applications 4 INTERNAL FLOW 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Laminar and Turbulent Pipe Flows 4.3 Basic Lubrication Systems 4.4 Compartmental Modeling 4.5 Homework Assignments 5 EXTERNAL FLOW 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Laminar and Turbulent Boundary-Layer Flows 5.3 Drag and Lift Computations 5.4 Film Drawing and Surface Coating 5.5 Homework Assignments REFERENCES (PART B) Part C: Modern Fluid Mechanics Topics 6 DILUTE PARTICLE SUSPENSIONS 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Modeling Approaches 6.3 Non-Newtonian Fluid Flows 6.4 Particle Transport 6.5 Homework Assignments and Course Projects 7 MICROSYSTEMS AND MICROFLUIDICS 7.1 Introduction 7.2 Microfluidics Modeling Aspects 7.3 Electro-hydrodynamics in Microchannels 7.4 Entropy Generation in Microfluidic Systems 7.5 Nanotechnology and Nanofluid Flow in Microchannels 7.6 Homework Problems and Project Assignments 8 FLUID-STRUCTURE INTERACTION 8.1 Introduction 8.2 Solid Mechanics Review 8.3 Slender-body Dynamics 8.4 Flow-induced Vibration 8.5 Homework Problems and Project Assignments 9 BIOFLUID FLOW AND HEAT TRANSFER 9.1 Introduction 9.2 Modeling Aspects 9.3 Arterial Hemodynamics 9.4 Lung-Aerosol Dynamics 9.5 Bioheat Equation 9.6 Project Assignments 10 COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS AND SYSTEM DESIGN 10.1 Introduction 10.2 Modeling Objectives and Numerical Tools 10.3 Example of Internal Flow 10.4 Example of External Flow 10.5 Example of Mixture Flow 10.6 Project Assignments and Design Tasks REFERENCES (PART C) APPENDICES Review of Tensor Operations, Integral Transformations, and ODE Solutions, plus removable Equation Sheets Fluid Properties, CD-correlations, and MOODY Chart Flow Visualization CD-R (CUP & NSF a Stanford University 2004) INDEX