Hollomon Heads New Science Policy Center

J. Herbert Hollomon, formerly director of the Center for Policy Alternatives at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, has been appointed director of a new Center on Technology & Policy at Boston University. The program "absorbs," according to the university, its existing Program on Work & Technology that has been directed by social scientist Gerald Gordon. Gordon is codirector of the new center. Last January Hollomon, while remaining a tenured professor of engineering, was removed as director of the MIT center, which he established in 1972. Sources say that the usual academic mixture of personal and policy differences between him and MIT's dean of engineering, Gerald Wilson, led to Wilson's decision to relieve Hollomon. Hollomon was replaced by one of his proteges, chemist and environmental advocate Nicholas Ashford, who had served as associate director. At least three staff members of CPA under Hollomon will be transferring over to the new center. Hollomon says his center will continue ...