Stability Results for Ekeland's ε Variational Principle for Set-Valued Mappings

In this paper, we define the Mosco convergence and Kuratowski-Painleve (P.K.) convergence for set-valued mapping sequence F n . Under some conditions, we derive the following result If a set-valued mapping sequence F n , which are nonempty, compact valued, upper semicontinuous and uniformly bounded below, Mosco (or P.K.) converges to a set-valued mapping F , which is upper semicontinuous, nonempty, compact valued, then Q l >0, u >0, $\varepsilon / \lambda - {\rm ext}\, F := \{ \bar x \in X : (F(x) - \bar y + \varepsilon / \lambda \Vert x - \bar x \Vert e)$