Security Verification of FTP-Proxy Security Model Coloured Petri Net

The firewall systems can be installed between the intemal network and the extemal network. The firewall systems has the least privilege, so its does not provide transparency to user. This problem of transparency can be solved by using the proxy. In this thesis, I have designed and verified the FTP-PSM(FTP-Proxy Security Mode]) which provides transparency for the firewall systems and has a strong security function. FTP-PSM doesn't finish its work after implementing a command. Instead, its does several security functions such as user authentication, MAC(MandatOlY Access Controll, DAC(Discretionary Access Controll and authentication of user group. Those data must not be lost under any circumstances in order to implement the above security functions. So, the security against such problems as falling into deadlock or unlimited loop during the implementation must be verified. Therefore, FTP-PSM suggested in thesis was verified its security through PHPlace Invariant) based on CPNlCo]oured Petri Net).