The evolution, calibration and application of the public transport assignment model used in recent studies of the Manila (Philippines) Public Transport system is described. The primary problem facing modellers in Asian cities is the multiplicity of public transport modes with different characteristics plying the same routes. These range from conventional heavy rail, through fixed-fare, guaranteed- seat, airconditioned "love bus", to jeepneys running cheap jitney services on fixed routes. General income levels are such that travel time/fare/comfort tradeoffs are clearly relevant in the perceived cost of public transport, and income differentials are such that different user-groups should be recognised and integrated into the planning process. The resulting model, consisting of three programs, provides an iterative headway-revision search for demand/capacity balance (as in Transept) using multiple-path assignment techniques (as in UTPS) to allow differentiation between different public transport modes on the same or similar routes, and to carry out sub-modal split between them. The generalised cost equation comprises walk, wait, load, transfer, travel time, fare and overloading discomfort features and facilities are provided for a user-group weighting system to differentiate the generalised cost equation for different user groups. The model was successfully implemented, calibrated and used in studies in Manila, particularly the light rail network extension feasibility study. (Author/TRRL)