IMPACT : Integrating Microscopy for Pathology Activities and Computer Technology
In this paper, we present a new appronch to a computerized microscope to assist puthologists and cytotechnicians in routine exanzlnntions. The HOME workstutlon (Highly Optinzizeci Mici oscope Environnzent) is conzyosed of a standui-ti light irzicroscoye .fitled with objective and stage encoders, iind N built-in high lasolution computer display which supei-rtiiyoses di-awrngs und messages onto the opticcil nzrci-oscope inzage. The so~flwure runs Windows 3.x und pi-ovrdes intermtrve facilities such as accurate localization and relocation of zone of interest, nzorphonzeti IC and densitometric nzeusurenzents, putient duta uccess unci quality conti-o I processes.
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