In its strategic plan, the University of Greenwich envisages a significant shift to resource-based learning (RBL). Enterprise in Higher Education (EHE) has funded five pilot RBL projects during the past year, including one in introductory economics. The project was managed by three lecturers in the School of Social Sciences, supported by an Academic Development Officer. Learning outcomes were completely revised, and a range of assessment strategies, including computer-based tests, was identified. A resources guide was produced which identified the materials and activities that would enable students to achieve the learning outcomes. A number of innovations were adopted, including: • computer-based curriculum delivery, assessment, and student evaluation of the course; • an open approach to assessment; • abolishing lectures in favour of a diverse range of teaching and learning activities. DOI: 10.1080/0968776960040114
D. Rowntree.
Assessing Students: How Shall We Know Them?
R. Kozma,et al.
Individuality in learning.
Derek Rowntree,et al.
Exploring Open and Distance Learning
Diana Laurillard,et al.
Computers and the emancipation of students: giving control to the learner
Derek Rowntree,et al.
Teaching Through Self-Instruction
Warren Bower.
New directions