A distributed approach for the optimal power flow problem

For operating electrical power networks, the Optimal Power Flow (OPF) problem plays a central role. The problem is nonconvex and NP hard. Therefore, designing efficient solution algorithms is crucial, though their global optimality is not guaranteed. Existing semi-definite programming relaxation based approaches are restricted to OPF problems for which zero duality holds, whereas for non-convex problems there is a lack of solution methods of provable performance. In this paper, an efficient novel method to address the general nonconvex OPF problem is investigated. The proposed method is based on alternating direction method of multipliers combined with sequential convex approximations. The global OPF problem is decomposed into smaller problems associated to each bus of the network, the solutions of which are coordinated via a light communication protocol. Therefore, the proposed method is highly scalable. The convergence properties of the proposed algorithm are mathematically and numerically substantiated.

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