Evaluation of strategies for controlling HWVP (Hanford Waste Vitrification Plant) glass by process simulation
The US Department of Energy established the Waste Acceptance Process (WAP) to ensure that high-level radioactive waste forms prepared from existing radioactive wastes will be acceptable for disposal in a deep geologic repository(s). One step in the WAP is the development of minimum specifications for the waste form. The waste form producers then need to (1) demonstrate that the waste form to be produced will meet these specifications, (2) demonstrate that the process used for making the waste form can be controlled so an acceptable waste form will be produced consistently, and (3) provide the appropriate documentation that the waste form meets the specifications. A key element in the Hanford Waste Vitrification Plant's (HWVP) approach to complying with the specifications is the development of process and product models. Process models are used to relate process measurements and data to the waste form composition and physical properties. The product models then relate the waste form composition and properties to the specified quality characteristics. The process and product models will be used to minimize sampling of the final glass product, to reduce costs associated with the design, construction and operation of the HWVP, and to reduce personnel exposure to radiation. Furthermore, themore » models provide a tool for communicating that the vitrification process is understood and can be controlled to yield an acceptable product, thereby instilling confidence among the authorities who must approve plant startup. 4 refs., 1 fig.« less