Anti-Surface Warfare Tactical Decision Aid (ASVWTDA)

Abstract : In this project we developed a tactical decision aid for planning non-acoustic searches against surface ships and submarines. Build One has been integrated as a segment of the Global Command and Control System Maritime (GCCS-M), and is deployed with several carrier battle groups. ASUWTDA has received high praise in official traffic from flag level warfare commanders and has helped plan highly successful exercise operations. Build One handles only uncued search (clearance) but cued search is planned for Build Two. ASUWTDA maintains comprehensive databases for Navy platforms and sensors and automatically generates an optimal, multiple sortie plan for an entire day in a single step. Optimization algorithms account for the special nature of the uncued surveillance problem, and adjust for the need for targets to be relocated and loosely tracked. Once a plan is developed, detailed track leg information can be exported to other systems. If necessary, the operator has the opportunity to replan a portion of the day's mission. ASUWTDA provides a two dimensional clearance map which shows search effectiveness throughout the area of interest and an effectiveness graph which shows search effectiveness over time in the zones of interest.