Chromosome‐level hybrid de novo genome assemblies as an attainable option for nonmodel insects

The emergence of third‐generation sequencing (3GS; long‐reads) is bringing closer the goal of chromosome‐size fragments in de novo genome assemblies. This allows the exploration of new and broader questions on genome evolution for a number of nonmodel organisms. However, long‐read technologies result in higher sequencing error rates and therefore impose an elevated cost of sufficient coverage to achieve high enough quality. In this context, hybrid assemblies, combining short‐reads and long‐reads, provide an alternative efficient and cost‐effective approach to generate de novo, chromosome‐level genome assemblies. The array of available software programs for hybrid genome assembly, sequence correction and manipulation are constantly being expanded and improved. This makes it difficult for nonexperts to find efficient, fast and tractable computational solutions for genome assembly, especially in the case of nonmodel organisms lacking a reference genome or one from a closely related species. In this study, we review and test the most recent pipelines for hybrid assemblies, comparing the model organism Drosophila melanogaster to a nonmodel cactophilic Drosophila, D. mojavensis. We show that it is possible to achieve excellent contiguity on this nonmodel organism using the dbg2olc pipeline.

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