Corrigendum: Corrections to ‘Inclusion theorems for non-linear difference equations with applications’

with yn 1⁄4 wn þ Cncn;cn . 0; jCnj # 1 for n 1⁄4 n1 $ n0; n2 1⁄4 n1 þ N; N [ N: The hypotheses of the proposition imply that G is in fact a continuous function of the parameters C in [21, 1 ]. Hence, it remains to show that for given values Cn,. . ., Cnþk 2 1, Cnþk þ N þ 1,. . ., Cnþm þ N in [21, 1 ] the System (1) represents a mapping in 1⁄221; 1 Nþ1 with respect to Cnþk,. . ., Cnþk þ N. In order to do this, we use Formulas [1: (2.6)] and write System (1) in the form