Open Data in Support of E-governance Evaluation: A Public Value Framework

Governments all over the world have paid tremendous attention to the creation of public values though ICT policies. Due to the promising nature of e-governance, it appears that identifying the factors that would help facilitate public value of information technology is extremely important. The most important development of e-governance recently is Open Government Data, which provides citizens with the opportunity to access government data freely, conduct value-added applications, provide creative public services, and participate in different kinds of democratic processes. For the development of public value and electronic governance research and national comparison, the framework requires both subject and object data. In this paper, we first develop a public value e-governance evaluation framework and discuss whether open government data, an enabler of transparent, accountable, and effective public administration institutions, can really contribute to the evaluation of e-governance. With a thorough analysis on Taiwan Government open data, we find out that none of the government open data can really contribute to the evaluation of e-governance directly. Government should consider a more aggressive and goal-oriented strategy such as public value of e-governance or sustainable development strategy to open its data.